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Investigation Underway in Fatal Tesla Car Crash

May 10, 2018

At the forefront of automobile technology sits Tesla as they work towards the vision of a self-driving car. Their technology continually improves and there are already models with Tesla’s automated control system, called Autopilot, that lets motorists take a backseat as their vehicle does the driving. Unfortunately, that technology is still in its infancy and may have been at the… [read more]

Virtual Reality Can Help With Construction Site Safety

May 3, 2018

Virtual reality has recently taken the front seat as one of today’s most interesting and up and coming technologies. Consumers can purchase a virtual reality headset or one that lets anyone turn their smartphone into virtual reality. So, what is virtual reality exactly? It is a computer-generated simulation of an image or environment that users can “interact” with. In reality… [read more]

What Is Bail and How Does It Work?

April 26, 2018

“Bail” is an item of value – such as cash, property, or a bond – that an arrested person gives to a court in exchange for release from jail before trial. If the person doesn’t show up to court on his or her court date, the person not only forfeits their bail, but may be arrested for failing to appear.… [read more]

Traumatic Brain Injuries Affect Women and Girls Differently, Says Study

April 19, 2018

Today, boys and girls compete in sports in nearly equal numbers. Girls are competing in many sports typically thought of as “for boys,” like soccer, hockey, and even football. And with this increase in girls’ and women’s competitiveness comes an increase in concussion risk. But while boys and girls experience athletics-related concussions at about the same rate, according to researchers,… [read more]

Medical Malpractice in Prison

April 12, 2018

A Connecticut prison system medical investigation has raised concerns that one inmate may have experienced the consequences of medical malpractice when his cancer was diagnosed as psoriasis for more than two years, according to a recent article in the Hartford Courant. Since the 1980s, medical care in Connecticut prisons has been managed by UConn Health, which has supervised over 600… [read more]

“The attorney working on my personal injury case was knowledgable, courteous, and payed careful attention to every detail. He was sure to address any questions and concerns thoughtfully and respectfully. I have had an excellent experience interacting with the firm and I highly recommend the law firm of Rudnick, Addonizio, Pappa & Casazza to others.”

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