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Getting Pulled Over by NJ Police

August 14, 2018

Society demands a reasonable amount of accountability from its police officers, but it’s equally important to recognize the extreme danger and fear cops face daily during traffic stops. It’s important that citizens respond to cops in a respectable manner and understand that their actions have a profound effect on the outcome of your interaction. How to Respond to Traffic Stops… [read more]

Five Buses Collide in Domino-Like Bus Crash in Medford Lakes, NJ

July 25, 2018

Officials have confirmed a domino-like bus accident has happened in the Medford Lakes, New Jersey area. More details are forthcoming. Domino-Like Bus Crash in NJ Hospitalizes 24 Reports have surfaced about a car crash that occurred in Medford Lakes, New Jersey on Monday. The accident happened when five different school buses were following each other from a summer day camp.… [read more]

Why People Don’t Trust Self-Driving Cars

July 24, 2018

If you are not familiar with the term autonomous vehicle, chances are you have at least heard the term self-driving car. They are one and the same and self-explanatory. A self-driving car is a car with the technology to drive itself, leaving you to sit back and enjoy the ride. Those working with this technology hope to one day fill… [read more]

Rules for Driving a School Bus in New Jersey

July 17, 2018

It was a recent horrific accident between a school bus and dump truck that left a 10-year old girl and a fifth-grade teacher dead and dozens of others injured. The accident occurred on I-80, a busy, high-speed highway in New Jersey. The incident led many to question the actions of the driver, who made an attempt to reach a cut-thru… [read more]

NJ Hospitals Doing More C-Sections

July 10, 2018

There is no dispute that the miracle of birth is a wondrous and joyous occasion. But the actual process of delivering a baby is long and painful and it could be harmful to both the mother and baby. As society has progressed, birthing techniques have evolved and ways to keep both the mother and baby alive during the birthing process… [read more]

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“The attorney working on my personal injury case was knowledgable, courteous, and payed careful attention to every detail. He was sure to address any questions and concerns thoughtfully and respectfully. I have had an excellent experience interacting with the firm and I highly recommend the law firm of Rudnick, Addonizio, Pappa & Casazza to others.”

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