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Probing an Accident with a Lawyer’s Assistance

September 23, 2019

Taking Action After an Accident Getting to the bottom of an investigation shortly after it happens is important. Your attorney is going to want to focus on getting information on the accident as quickly as possible to ensure that things are done before the statute of limitations passes. By taking immediate action in the aftermath of the accident, your attorney… [read more]

Penalties For Driving Without Insurance In New Jersey

September 16, 2019

Driving Without Insurance There are over 250 millions cars on American roads and highways. And when there are so many vehicles on the road, it means that motor vehicle accidents are common. So common, in fact, that most states require that all drivers have minimum liability insurance coverage to make sure that those injured aren’t responsible for someone else’s negligence.… [read more]

Medical Malpractice: What Can Make & Break Recovery?

September 9, 2019

How Medical Malpractice Occurs When a doctor or other medical professional does not perform to the standard of their occupation and a patient is injured as a result, a medical malpractice suit may follow. But medical malpractice cases are complex and technical, requiring quite a bit of evidence and expert opinions to properly prove. Here are some of the pitfalls… [read more]

A Brief History And Overview Of Domestic Violence

September 4, 2019

Domestic Violence Overview Legally, the definition of domestic violence has undergone a vast change over the years. In the 19th century, the term didn’t even exist. It wasn’t until the 20th century that federal and state law defined and banned forms of domestic abuse against a number of designated victim groups. As more research is done and more attention brought… [read more]

Everything You Need to Know About Accident Injuries

August 23, 2019

Overview of New Jersey Car Accidents Car accidents can change your life in an instant.  Across the globe, an overwhelming average of 3,287 people are fatally injured in motor vehicle accidents every day. An additional 20 to 50 million suffer serious injuries or are permanently disabled in these collisions. What are the most common types of injuries car accident victims… [read more]

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“The attorney working on my personal injury case was knowledgable, courteous, and payed careful attention to every detail. He was sure to address any questions and concerns thoughtfully and respectfully. I have had an excellent experience interacting with the firm and I highly recommend the law firm of Rudnick, Addonizio, Pappa & Casazza to others.”

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